Information about respondent



    Phone number



    Are you responding on behalf of an organisation or as an individual?


    Name of organisation (if applicable)

    Position in organisation (if applicable)


    Please describe your interest in the questions raised by the inquiry

    Do you wish for your evidence to be kept anonymous?


    Inquiry questions

    1. Do you think freedom of conscience for healthcare professionals in the provision of abortion is important? If so, why? If not, why not?

    2. Do you think that doctors with a conscientious objection to abortion have adequate protection to fully engage in their profession without compromising their freedom of conscience?

    3. Do you think that other healthcare professionals with a conscientious objection to abortion have adequate protection to fully engage in their profession without compromising their freedom of conscience?

    4. Do you have personal experience of, or do you know of, examples of good practice where healthcare professionals do not wish to participate, directly or indirectly, in the provision of abortions? Good practice might have been shown by the healthcare professional, healthcare organisation, or both.

    5. Do you have personal experience of, or do you know of, examples of poor practice where healthcare professionals do not wish to participate, directly or indirectly, in the provision of abortions? Poor practice might have been shown by the healthcare professional, healthcare organisation, or both.

    6. In your view, are there any useful precedents for protection of freedom of conscience from other areas of the UK or from other jurisdictions?

    7. Do you think legislation or professional guidance for healthcare professionals in the UK should be changed or developed? If so, in what way would you recommend?

    8. Any other comments?

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